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THERE THERE Company is a contemporary circus company led by Toon Van Gramberen and Hanna Mampuys. They go for a strong and meaningful circus, rough and real, with a focus on the performer and the message rather than on the trick. Starting from the circus discipline hand to hand acrobatics, the interaction of bodies form the base of their physical language.

After touring several years with circus collective Deux Sans Trois (120 perfomances in 5 countries), Toon and Hanna founded THERE THERE Company in 2016, focussing on a rather abstract and choreographic circus.

Their first piece As long as we (2017-2019) was a duet amidst 100 white coffee cups. Their second performance is Carrying my father (2020-2023), where four acrobats share the stage with their fathers. Next up is Chaïm (2022), where acrobatics and classical singing meet in an 'ode to breathing'.


Toon and Hanna also work as coaches and mentors for other companies or young artists. Hanna created e.g. the performance Softies (2020-2021) for the theatre and dance company fABULEUS. Toon is member of the editorial board of Circusmagazine.

Over the years, THERE THERE Company has grown into an important voice in the Flemish circus scene. Between 2021 and 2025, THERE THERE Company collaborates closely with the circus institutions CIRKLABO and Circuswerkplaats Dommelhof/Theater op de Markt. Together with three other companies – Tout Petit, dOFt and Collectief Verlof – THERE THERE Company has its own working space in Leuven called 'deRUIMTE', a project made possible with the support of the city of Leuven.

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